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« Managing paradoxical tensions to initiate coopetition between MNEs: The rise of coopetition formation teams »
Gernsheimer.O.F., Kanbach.DK., Gast.J., (2024)
Industrial Marketing Management, Vol 118, p. 147-174
Keywords :  Coopetition, Paradoxical tensions, Organizational design, Management principles

« Big problems require large collective actions: Managing multilateral coopetition in strategic innovation networks »
Rouyre A., Fernandez A-S., Bruyaka.O (2024)
Technovation, Vol 132
Keywords : S
trategic Innovation Networks, Radical Innovation, Coopetition Management, Contractual Mechanisms, Relational mechanisms, Coopetitive Tensions

« Co-evolution of governance mechanisms and coopetition in public-private projects »
Rouyre A., Fernandez A-S., Estrada I., (2023)
Journal of Operations Management, p. 1-30
Keywords : Contractual mechanisms, Coopetitive tensions, Inter-organizational governance, relational mechanisms, large inter-organizational projects

« Vertical vs horizontal coopetition an the market performance of product innovation: An empirical study of the video game industry »
Le Roy F., Robert F., Hamouti R., (2021)
Keywords : Vertical coopetition, Horizontal coopetition, Radical Innovation, Incremental Innovation, Market Performance, Video Games

« Unpacking the management of Oligo-coopetition strategies in the absence of a moderating third party »
Le Roy F., Bez M., Gast J., (2021)
Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 98, p. 125-137
Keywords : Oligo-coopetition strategies, Coopetitive projects, Coopetition management, Organizational design

« Coopetition for innovation - the more, the better? An empirical study based on preference disaggregation analysis »
Bagherzadeh M., Ghaderi M., Fernandez A-S., (2021)
European Journal of Operational Research
Keywords : Multilple criteria analysis, Preference disaggregation analysis, Coopetition for innovation, Non-linearity, Non-monotonicity

« Why do MNEs both make and coopete for innovation? »
Fernandez A-S., Chiambaretto P., Chauvet M., Engsig J., (2021)
Technovation, Vol. 106
Keywords : Coopetition, Make and coopete, MNEs, Innovation, Benefits and risks, Time horizon

« Small and large firms’ trade-off between benefits and risks when choosing a coopetitor for innovation »
Chiambaretto P., Bengtsson M., Fernandez A-S., Näsholm M. (2020)
Long Range Planning, vol. 53, n°1, pp
Keywords : Coopetition, Innovation, Benefits and risks, Conjoint analysis, Small and large firms, Trade-off

« Coopetition Strategies: Critical Issues and Research Directions »
Czakon W., Srivastava M., Le Roy F., Gnyawali D., (2020)
Long Range Planning, Vol. 23, n°1, p. 119992.
Keywords : Coopetition, Radical innovation, Self-driving cars, Electric cars, Experiment

« All for One and One for All?’ – Knowledge broker roles in managing tensions of internal coopetition: The Ubisoft case »
Chiambaretto P., Massé D., Mirc N. (2019)
Research Policy, vol. 48 n°3, p. 584-600
Keywords : Internal coopetition, Internal coopetitive tensions, Management of internal coopetition, Knowledge brokers, Knowledge transfer,
Innovation sharing, Lagging principle

« Managing Knowledge Sharing-Protecting Tensions in Coupled Innovation Projects among Several Competitors »
Rouyre, A., Fernandez A-S., (2019)
California Management Review, 62(1), 95-120
Keywords : Open innovation, Coopetition, Management, Projetc management, Third-pary intervention

« Implementing the right project structure to achieve coopetitive innovation projects »
Fernandez A-S., Le Roy F., Chiambaretto P. (2018)
Long Range Planning, vol. 51, n°2, p. 384 – 405
Keywords : Coopetition, Risk of opportunism, Economic and technological risks, Coopetitive project team, Separated project team, Case study,
Space industry

« La coopétition : une stratégie transitoire ? »
Fernandez, A.S Merieau, D. (2018)
Gestion 2000, vol. 35, n°1, p. 47 – 69
Keywords : Coopétition, Compétition, Coexistence, Dynamique, Transfert de compétences, PME, Etude qualitative

« How do micro-firms manage coopetition? A study of the wine sector in France »
Granata J., Lasch F., Le Roy F., Dana L-P. (2018)
International Small Business Journal, vol. 36, n°3, p. 331 – 355
Keywords : Coopetition, Formalisation of management, Micro-firms, Paradox management, Wine sector

« Managing selling coopetition: A case study of the ERP industry »
Pellegrin-Boucher E., Le Roy F., Gurau C. (2018)
European Management Review, vol. 15, n°1, p. 37 – 56
Keywords : Coopetition, Selling, Alliances, Management, Arbitration, ICT firms

« Better, Faster, Stronger: The impact of market-oriented coopetition on product commercial performance »
Robert M., Chiambaretto P., Mira B., Le Roy F. (2018)
M@n@gement, vol. 21, n°1, p. 574 – 610
Keywords : Market-oriented coopetition, Coopetition, Bargaining power, Product commercial performance, Product level analysis, Real estate industry

« La coopétition entre les petites entreprises: une question de proximité »
Mira B., Robert M., Le Roy F. (2017)
Revue Internationale PME, vol. 30, n°3-4, p. 231 – 259
Keywords : Coopétition, Spécificités des PE, Dirigeant-propriétaire, Loi proxémique, Agences immobilières

«  Towards a typology of coopetition: a multilevel approach »
Chiambaretto P., Dumez H. (2016)
International Studies of Management and Organization, vol. 46, n°3, p. 110 – 129
Keywords : Coopetition, Typology, Multilevel, Airline industry

« Managing tensions related to information in coopetition »
Fernandez A-S, Chiambaretto P. (2016)
Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 53, p. 66 – 76
Keywords : Coopetition, Coopetitive project, Tensions, Information, Control mechanism, Information criticaly, Information appropriability

«  The evolution of coopetitive and collaborative alliances in an alliance portfolio: The Air France case »
Chiambaretto P., Fernandez A-S. (2016)
Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 57, p. 75 – 85
Keywords : Coopetitive alliances, Collaborative alliances, Alliance portfolio composition, Alliance portfolio evolution, Market uncertainty,
Resource dependence theory

« Coopetitive branding: Definition, typology, benefits and risks »
Chiambaretto P, Gurau C, Le Roy F. (2016)
Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 57, p. 86 – 96
Keywords : Coopetitive branding, Coopetition, Co-branding, Typology, Benefits and risks

« Managing Coopetition: the missing link between strategy and performance »
Le Roy F., Czakon W. (2016)
Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 53, p. 3 – 6

« Choosing the best partner for product innovation: Talking to the enemy or to a friend? »
Le Roy F., Robert M., Lasch F. (2016)
International Studies of Management Organisation, vol. 46, n°2-3, p. 136-158
Keywords : Cooperation, Coopetition, Incremental innovation, Radical innovation

« How Does Centrality in Coopetition Network Matter? Empirical Investigation in the Mobile Telephone Industry »
Sanou H., Le Roy F., Gnyawali D. (2016)
British Journal of Management, vol. 27, p. 143 – 160

« Les stratégies de coopétition comme source de tensions multiples: Le cas EADS-Thales dans l’industrie des satellites de télécommunications »
Fernandez A-S., Le Roy F. (2015)
Management International, vol. 19, n°3, p. 115 – 128
Keywords : Coopétition, Tensions coopétitives, Etude de cas, Industrie spatiale

« Managing coopetitive tensions at the working-group level: The rise of the Coopetitive Project Team »
Le Roy F., Fernandez A.S. (2015)
British Journal of Management, Vol. 26, p. 671–688

« Sources and Management of Tension in Coopetition Case Evidence from Telecommunications Satellites Manufacturing in Europe »
Fernandez A-S., Le Roy F., Gnyawali D. (2014)
Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 43, n°2, p. 222-235
Keywords : Co-opetition, Tension, Separation, Integration, Space industry

« Balancing exploration and exploitation tension in coopetition for innovation performance: the case of European space innovation programs »
Fernandez A.S, Ji F.X., Yami S. (2014)
International Journal of Business Environment, vol. 6, n°1, p. 69-91
Keywords : Coopetition, Exploration and exploitation tension, Innovation performanceEuropean space, Innovation programmes

« Le management de la coopétition en PME : le cas des vignerons du Pic Saint-Loup »
Granata J., Le Roy F. (2014)
Revue Finance-Contrôle-Stratégie, vol. 17, n°2
Keywords : Coopetition, PME, Lanagement du paradoxe, Secteur vitivinicole

« Stratégie individuelle, stratégie de coopération verticale ou stratégie de coopétition : Quelle est la meilleure stratégie pour l’innovation produit ? »
Hamouti R., Robert F. et Le Roy F. (2014)
Revue Innovation, n°43, p. 135-161
Keywords : Stratégie singulière, Coopération verticale, Coopétition, Innovation produit, Jeux vidéo

« Stratégie de coopétition et performance de marché : une étude empirique »
Le Roy F., Sanou  F.H. (2014)
Management International, Vol. 18, n°2, p. 124-139
Keywords : Agressivité, Coopération, Coopétition, Coexistence, Performance, Opérateurs de téléphonie mobile

« Comment coopérer avec un concurrent ? L’avènement de l’équipe-projet coopétitive »

Fernandez A.S., Le Roy F. (2013)

Revue  Française de Gestion, Vol. 39, n°232, p. 61-80

« Coopérer avec ses amis ou  avec ses ennemis : quelle stratégie pour l’innovation produit »
Le Roy F., Robert M., Lasch F. (2013)
Revue Française de Gestion, Vol. 39, n°232, p. 81-100

« Coopetitive strategies in the ICT sector: typology and stability »
Pellegrin-Boucher E., Le Roy F., Gurau C. (2013)
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol. 25, n°1, p.71-89
Keywords : Coopetitive relations, Coopetition typology and stability, Industry caseERP industry

« Pourquoi coopérer avec les concurrents ? Une approche par la RBV »
Fernandez A. S., Le Roy F. (2010)
Revue Française de Gestion, Vol. 36, n° 204, p. 155-170

« Mesurer la coopétition : Mission impossible ? »
Fernandez A.S., Marques P., Le Roy F., Robert F. (2010)
Revue Sciences de Gestion, n° 73
Keywords : Stratégie de coopétition, Paradoxe, Mesure quantitative

« Coopetition between SMEs: an empirical study of French professional football »
Marques P., Robert F., Le Roy F. (2009)
International Journal of Entrepreneurship & Small Business, Vol. 8, n°1, Special Issue: Coopetition and Entrepreneurship, p. 23-43
Keywords : Coopetition, Small business, Strategy, Cooperation, Competition, Professional football

« La dynamique des stratégies de coopétition »
Dagnino G. B., Le Roy F., Yami S. (2007)
Revue Française de Gestion, Vol 33, n°176, p. 87-98

« Coopétition et Intelligence Economique »
Salvetat D., Le Roy F. (2007)
Revue Française de Gestion, Vol 33, n°76, p. 147-162

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